WKA Yoga
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by WKA Yoga and were last updated on 10/17/24.
Ventilation system
We keep our bi-fold doors open for fresh air and to get beautiful view of our garden, during meditation session however we close the door and activate heating, Ventilation, Air Cooling (HVAC) system.
Extra sanitation
Yoga props such as bricks, mats and floor is deep cleaned between each class sessions.
Limited capacity
Class capacities are limited to make sure the quality of Yoga experience is maintained.
Equipment policies
Students needs to bring in their own mat, we also have few mats for sale at the studio
What is YOGA?
Core Values & Principles of WKA YOGA ACADEMY!
Swamy Yoga Retreat Workshop
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
WKA Yoga Reviews
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How to prepare