Visual Beautè Studio

This business is in a different timezone.

Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Visual Beautè Studio and were last updated on 2/23/24.

Ventilation system

We have a ventilating HVAC system within the building that helps circulate airflow.

Extra sanitation

All equipment and high touch areas are cleaned, sanitized, and decontaminated after each use.


Tue, Jul 2
105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Single Classic Set

105 min

Eyelash Extensions - Intro Set

Visual Beautè Studio Reviews

3 ratings
Not yet reviewed.

How to prepare




Wheelchair accessible




How to get there