TruHit Fitness - North Boise
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by TruHit Fitness and were last updated on 9/11/22.
Ventilation system
We have two 10-foot industrial fans to help circulate the air and provide the most comfort during your workout.
Extra sanitation
After every class we carefully sanitize mats and equipment. And every week we a do deep clean disinfecting floors, bathrooms and all common areas throughout the studio.
Limited capacity
Maximum class sizes are 20 people.
Contactless check-in
You can check-in through the TruHit app compatible on IOS and Android. Coaches also can do it on your behalf.
What is TRUHiT Fitness?
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
TruHit Fitness Reviews
5.0100+ ratings
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How to prepare