Thriving Life Wellness

This business is in a different timezone.

Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Thriving Life Wellness and were last updated on 8/10/21.

Mask-wearing policies

Staff and patients are all wearing masks at all times.

Social distancing measures

Patients are separated in different treatment rooms and the waiting area is only for one person at a time, or your welcome to wait right outside before entering for your appointment

Ventilation system

We are keeping the windows open for cross ventilation and have UV- C and HEPA filters running in all treatment areas.

Extra sanitation

All equipment and contact areas is sanitized between visits

Featured in top classes for


Sat, Sep 28
120 min

Prenatal Massage (90 min)

90 min

Therapeutic Massage (60 min)

90 min

Prenatal Massage (60 min)

120 min

Therapeutic Massage (90 min)

120 min

Prenatal Massage (90 min)

90 min

Therapeutic Massage (60 min)

90 min

Prenatal Massage (60 min)

120 min

Therapeutic Massage (90 min)

120 min

Prenatal Massage (90 min)

90 min

Therapeutic Massage (60 min)

90 min

Prenatal Massage (60 min)

120 min

Therapeutic Massage (90 min)

90 min

Therapeutic Massage (60 min)

90 min

Prenatal Massage (60 min)

Thriving Life Wellness Reviews

500+ ratings
Not yet reviewed.

How to prepare




How to get there