Thrive Yoga Dayton

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Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Thrive Yoga Dayton and were last updated on 6/22/21.

Vaccination policies

While we recommend vaccination, no proof of vaccination is required by the studio.

Mask-wearing policies

Thrive Yoga recommends students who are not vaccinated continue to wear masks in the facility and on the mat when more than 9 students are present in class. Masks are not required for fully vaccinated students and teachers.

Social distancing measures

Mats are 6 feet apart up to 9 in class. We are no longer constraining capacity and may have up to 14 in the studio comfortably.

Extra sanitation

Per CDC guidelines, we have returned to our pre-pandemic cleaning practices.


Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day

Thrive Yoga Dayton Reviews

100+ ratings
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How to prepare

How to get there