Studio Pilates International - Robina
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Studio Pilates International and were last updated on 9/13/23.
Ventilation system
Fully ducted ari conditioning system running ant a cool 18 ℃
Extra sanitation
We take cleanliness seriously at our studio Pilates. We clean the reformers after each use, the studio is cleaned 3x daily by our staff, and we hire a professional cleaning service weekly. Your safety is our top priority
Limited capacity
16 people per 45 min class
Contactless check-in
Attend 5 minutes before each class, take a seat on our gorgeous chesterfield lounge, one of our instructors will open the doors to the studio and check you in
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Studio Pilates International Reviews
4.9500+ ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare