Strive Fitness 24/7 Smart Gym
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Strive Fitness 24/7 Smart Gym and were last updated on 2/3/21.
Social distancing measures
There are Floor markers in the functional training space and where all benches are to make sure all our members are keeping a safe social distancing. Also all gym equipment have been moved 1.5m away from each other.
Ventilation system
Our Ventilation System is on 24 hours 7 days a week.
Extra sanitation
All machines at our gym are cleaned by professional cleaners 2 times a day, and all staff members are constantly cleaning the gym.
Contactless check-in
All members or guests at our gym must check in with Staff reception or by using fob key before walking in to the gym.
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Strive Fitness 24/7 Smart Gym Reviews
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How to prepare