SKIN Med Spa & Laser - Castle Hills

This business is in a different timezone.

Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by SKIN Med Spa & Laser and were last updated on 9/24/22.

Ventilation system

At SKIN Med Spa & Laser, we have applied the most stringent cleaning policies in the business. We have HEPA air filters in each treatment room, along with staff masking policies . We also only use hospital grade products for sanitation and limited entrance to our facility.

Extra sanitation

At SKIN Med Spa & Laser, we have applied the most stringent cleaning policies in the business. We have HEPA air filters in each treatment room, along with staff masking policies . We also only use hospital grade products for sanitation and limited entrance to our facility.

Limited capacity

At SKIN Med Spa & Laser, we have applied the most stringent cleaning policies in the business. We have HEPA air filters in each treatment room, along with staff masking policies . We also only use hospital grade products for sanitation and limited entrance to our facility.

Equipment policies

At SKIN Med Spa & Laser, we have applied the most stringent cleaning policies in the business. We have HEPA air filters in each treatment room, along with staff masking policies . We also only use hospital grade products for sanitation and limited entrance to our facility.


Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day

SKIN Med Spa & Laser Reviews

25 ratings
Not yet reviewed.

How to prepare




Wheelchair accessible




How to get there