Row House - Bellaire
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Row House and were last updated on 2/12/23.
Extra sanitation
All equipment and high touch surfaces are cleaned and disinfected between each class.
Limited capacity
Maximum class size is 22
Contactless check-in
By downloading the Row House app, you can check in when within 0.1 mile of Row House Bellaire, sign our waiver and see what rowing station you have been assigned. Otherwise, a member of our team will help you check in upon arrival.
Row House: Push Yourself. Pull Together.
Learn To Row Before You Go
Why I Row...
We ARE Row House
Sun, Feb 2
45 min
Resolve to Row: How You Doin'? You're Halfway!
Corrie Morales45 min
Resolve to Row: How You Doin'? You're Halfway!
Corrie Morales45 min
Resolve to Row: How You Doin'? You're Halfway!
Will AlexanderRow House Reviews
4.92,500+ ratings
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- 1
Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare