ほぐしや本舗RiRAKU - 新宿靖国通り 本店
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by ほぐしや本舗RiRAKU and were last updated on 10/28/24.
Ventilation system
店内は常に換気扇と、空気清浄機を稼働させています。The ventilation fan and air purifier are always running in the store.
Extra sanitation
ベッドや足湯など使用後は必ず消毒を行って、常に清潔にしています。Beds and foot baths are always disinfected after use to keep them clean.
Thu, Jan 23
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
ほぐしや本舗RiRAKU Reviews
5.03 ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare