Praxis HIIT & Yoga
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Praxis HIIT & Yoga and were last updated on 1/10/25.
Social distancing measures
Floor numbers are clearly marked to ensure safe distancing between members, allowing you to enjoy an uninterrupted and comfortable practice!
Extra sanitation
we prioritize cleanliness and hygiene to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. All frequently touched surfaces are thoroughly sanitized between classes, and the floors are cleaned regularly to maintain a pristine studio space. Your health and comfort are always our top priorities!
Sun, Feb 2
60 min
Praxis: Power Flow
Emil Swartling60 min
QiFlow+Soundbath Meditation
Alisa Galper60 min
Restorative Yoga + Soundbath Meditation
Benjamin BlusteinPraxis HIIT & Yoga Reviews
4.81,000+ ratings
- 5
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- 1
Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare