MOOV Gym - Personal Training
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by MOOV Gym and were last updated on 10/28/23.
Ventilation system
We keep our doors and windows open at all sides, we have an air well in the center of our gym and we are located at the top floor of the building. So natural air ventilation is 100%.
Extra sanitation
We will spray-sanitize after each usage of equipment and floor. We will also vapor-sanitize the whole gym floor and toilets at every 3 hours break. Our mist-sanitize machine is fully operated at our entrance.
Limited capacity
We will ensure that there is a limited members per hours
Equipment policies
Members must bring their own yoga mat and indoor shoe (no outdoor sport shoe is allowed).
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
MOOV Gym Reviews
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How to prepare