KÔR Pilates
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by KÔR Pilates and were last updated on 2/6/24.
Ventilation system
Front and back doors open. Cross breeze from the ocean.
Extra sanitation
We use a non-toxic COVID disinfectant that is approved by both the CDC and FDA for COVID and many other viruses.
Limited capacity
Reformer classes are maxed out at 7 people. Exo classes are limited to 7 people.
Contactless check-in
Upon request, yes!
Outdoor Rooftop Studio
Indoor Studio
Rooftop EXO Class
VID 20201020 104330465 HDR
Rooftop Mat class
VID 20201024 101233209 HDR
VID 20201008 103658583 HDR
Featured in top classes for
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
KÔR Pilates Reviews
4.95,000+ ratings
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How to prepare