Intrepid Bodyworks Massage
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Intrepid Bodyworks Massage and were last updated on 12/24/24.
Social distancing measures
Classes are small so there is room to spread out and still get full instructor attention regularly. You’re not just another body in a giant gym room!
Ventilation system
Hepa filters in each room and the reception area are on and running from open to close for clean air!
Extra sanitation
All surfaces are cleaned between every client and class with medical grade, COVID19 approved chemicals.
Limited capacity
There is a maximum of 6-10people in each class depending on the style of class.
Office Tour- 3854 E. 120th Ave
Sports Massage Therapy in Thornton, Colorado
Intrepid Body Works Commercial
Sun, Feb 2
60 min
Gentle/Slow Yoga
Mariah T.60 min
Deep Stretch
Mariah T.Intrepid Bodyworks Massage Reviews
4.960 ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare
Wheelchair accessible