Haven: Massage + CranioSacral Therapy
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Haven: Massage + CranioSacral Therapy and were last updated on 8/21/22.
Mask-wearing policies
Masks are required for all who enter the building and for the duration of your visit. Disposable masks, hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipe stations are also available throughout the office.
Social distancing measures
They are a practitioner led office with low traffic and no reception team, so all clients are just one on one in the space with their practitioner.
Ventilation system
We have many windows and HEPA/UVc air purifiers in every room!
Extra sanitation
After each session, in addition to usual cleaning/laundering, all equipment surfaces and fixtures will be disinfected, as well as an extra step of running a UVc lamp for all fabric surfaces.
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Haven: Massage + CranioSacral Therapy Reviews
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How to prepare