Hair & Co BKLYN - Clinton Hill
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Hair & Co BKLYN and were last updated on 2/3/23.
Social distancing measures
We maintain 6 ft between all stations and have installed barriers between all stations for added protections.
Ventilation system
We have invested in a hospital grade microbial reduction system which removes 99% of the viruses and bacteria from the air and surfaces. Check out our website for more details
Extra sanitation
We sanitize surfaces between each clients use and high traffic areas every hour.
Hair & Co BKLYN Curly Cut by Shannon King
Hair & Co BKLYN Red Haircolor by Toniann
Hair & Co BKLYN Silk Press Natural Hairstyle by Devon
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Hair & Co BKLYN Reviews
4.8100+ ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare
Wheelchair accessible