Elly and Amar Studio

This business is in a different timezone.

Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Elly and Amar Studio and were last updated on 3/13/24.

Extra sanitation

All spa equipment is sanitized, linens are replaced and tools are disinfected between all clients

Limited capacity

Boutique Space, allowing for a more intimate and private experience for your treatmentsThe Nailcare area services max 6 people at a time. And each private treatment room fits 1 client at a time.


Sat, Sep 28
30 min

Microdermabrasion Stand Alone

30 min

Dermaplaning Stand Alone

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Signature

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Detoxify

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Hydrate

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Brighten

30 min

Microdermabrasion Stand Alone

30 min

Dermaplaning Stand Alone

75 min

Sun Worshipper Facial Regular

90 min

Lash Lift Complete

75 min

Lash Lift Essential

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Signature

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Detoxify

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Hydrate

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Brighten

75 min

Sun Worshipper Facial Regular

30 min

Microdermabrasion Stand Alone

30 min

Dermaplaning Stand Alone

120 min

Classic Lash Extensions Full Set

150 min

Hybrid Lash Extensions Full Set

30 min

Microdermabrasion Stand Alone

30 min

Dermaplaning Stand Alone

120 min

Classic Lash Extensions Full Set

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Signature

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Detoxify

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Hydrate

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Brighten

30 min

Microdermabrasion Stand Alone

30 min

Dermaplaning Stand Alone

30 min

Microdermabrasion Stand Alone

30 min

Dermaplaning Stand Alone

75 min

Sun Worshipper Facial Regular

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Signature

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Detoxify

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Hydrate

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Brighten

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Signature

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Detoxify

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Hydrate

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Brighten

30 min

Microdermabrasion Stand Alone

30 min

Dermaplaning Stand Alone

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Signature

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Detoxify

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Hydrate

50 min

Forgive Us From Our Sins Facial Brighten

30 min

Microdermabrasion Stand Alone

30 min

Dermaplaning Stand Alone

30 min

Microdermabrasion Stand Alone

30 min

Dermaplaning Stand Alone

Elly and Amar Studio Reviews

43 ratings
Not yet reviewed.

How to prepare








How to get there