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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Dr. CRB and were last updated on 1/20/24.
Mask-wearing policies
Masks are required to enter the building.
Social distancing measures
Dr. CRB services are done in separate facial areas to ensure social distancing.
Extra sanitation
All patients will be be asked to comply with the clinic's safety measures:PPE with shoe covers providedUV and Virusolve+ Sanitation before and after each procedure
Limited capacity
Dr. CRB is only accepting 70% capacity. Companions are not allowed aside from PWD and other special cases. Kindly notify the clinic if you must bring a companion.
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Dr. CRB Reviews
4.91,000+ ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare
Wheelchair accessible