Core Fight Gym
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Core Fight Gym and were last updated on 4/3/24.
Vaccination policies
Only fully vaccinated individuals are allowed in the premises. Children below 13 years are not allowed in group classes until further notice.
Ventilation system
We have very high ceilings and multiple windows around the gym for amazing air ventilation in the gym.
Extra sanitation
All equipment, frequently touched areas and the entire studio is frequently disinfected during, before and after classes. The studio is thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day and gears are disinfected by both attendees and/or staff between rounds/classes.
Limited capacity
Currently we're working at 80% capacity, so slots are limited and bookings are required. No walk ins are allowed.
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Core Fight Gym Reviews
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How to prepare