Bodynetic @ Else Kuala Lumpur
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Bodynetic @ Else Kuala Lumpur and were last updated on 10/14/24.
Extra sanitation
Before and after class, all equipments used are sanitised and kept clean for the next user.
Limited capacity
Due to the size of the studio in the hotel, space is limited and can only fit up to 10 persons per class.
Contactless check-in
You may inform the security at level 1 you are attending the class and head to level 3 gym where the class is held.
Equipment policies
We have 10 yoga mats available. We do recommend you bring your own mat if you're uncomfortable shared mats.
Meet Our Inspiring Guide: Introducing Hana Ludin, Zumba Instructor
Leading Wellness in Malaysia: Meet Kaipin Our Country Director and Senior Physiotherapist
Meet Our Inspiring Guide: Introducing Felicia, Yoga Teacher
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Bodynetic @ Else Kuala Lumpur Reviews
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How to prepare