Bhava Yoga Studio
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Bhava Yoga Studio and were last updated on 3/11/21.
Mask-wearing policies
Masks are required at all times be the CDC and DOH guidelines.
Social distancing measures
The floors are maked inside and outside the yoga rooms. Students are given a personal bin to hold their belongings. After classes bins are left under the registration table.
Extra sanitation
All frequently used surfaced are cleaned before and after classes. Restrooms are available and signage is provided to communicate if is ready for use or needs sanitization.
Limited capacity
9-student limit to maintain a minimum of 6-foot distance between students and teacher. All classes are also broadcaseted virtually.
Sun, Feb 2
75 min
Ashtanga Primary Series Lead
Pam60 min
Yoga Hour
MarisolBhava Yoga Studio Reviews
4.91,000+ ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare
Hispanic/ Latinx-owned