Ashtanga Yoga Phoenix
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Ashtanga Yoga Phoenix and were last updated on 10/22/20.
Mask-wearing policies
All instructors wear masks, but students are able to choose for themselves.
Ventilation system
In the mornings the windows and doors are open with screens. In the evening depending on the weather we may have an air conditioner and fans but will open the doors between classes. We also have an outdoor space that can be used on both the west and east side of the studio.
Extra sanitation
We steam clean all surfaces daily. We also spray and wipe down all door knobs props and mats between classes.
Limited capacity
Please register online or contact us to make sure you have a space. We have limited space inside and outside for practice.
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Ashtanga Yoga Phoenix Reviews
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How to prepare