Acme Beauty
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Acme Beauty and were last updated on 9/25/24.
Mask-wearing policies
所有員工及客人均須戴上口罩, 進行面部療程時除外All staff and guests are required to wear masks, except during facial treatments
Social distancing measures
每位客人均使用獨立房間進行療程Each guest will be using treatment room separately
Extra sanitation
提供消毒搓手液Provide hand sanitizer
Temperature checks
所有客人及員工進入Acme Beauty時必須量度體溫All guests and staff must have their temperature taken when entering Acme Beauty
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Acme Beauty Reviews
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How to prepare