Jeet Kun Do Lv2
see all reviewsThank you so much Nate for teaching Kali, Nunchaku, and amazing Jeet Kune Do techniques!! His technique was amazing and his moves were impressive, like Bruce Lee. When I told him that I practice kickboxing, he very kindly taught me some Jeet Kune Do moves that I could also use in kickboxing, and I was impressed by the speed of Jeet Kune Do. I was also very interested in the move of pretending to block and then attacking directly. Most importantly, Nate has a great personality and makes learning very enjoyable, so I would highly recommend his class!
UFCジムでは初心者の方でも安心してトレーニングしていただけるようサポート体制も万全です。他には無い多彩なプログラムのスペシャリストに出会えるUFCジムで…- 朝日が降りそそぐ、開放的なスタジオ空間人目を気にせず、青空の下で汗を流しませんか?日差しが降りそそぐ開放的なスタジオ、海辺を感じさせる音楽、時間に…
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