
What is the Seal?

The Seal is a Pilates movement that builds on Rolling Like a Ball. This stretching and massaging movement typically comes at the end of a mat exercise. The breath is used to rock the body from front to back as it massages the spine and strengthens the core.

How do you do the Seal?

  • Step 1

    Sit up straight at the front of your mat. Your feet should be flat on the ground and turned out, with your knees separated. Reach between your legs and hold onto the outside of your feet. Balance on your sit bones.

  • Step 2

    Lift your legs and shift your torso back, pulling in your abdominal muscles. Click your heels together three times.

  • Step 3

    On an inhale, roll back to your shoulders. Click your heels together three times again. Roll back up and repeat.

How do you modify the Seal?

  • Seal for Beginners

  • Seal for Tight Hips

What are the benefits of the Seal?

  • Back Stretch

  • Flexibility

  • Core Strength

Expert opinion

This is an excellent move to focus on breathing, spin alignment, and strengthening the core.

Seal will also help you test balance and coordination. Bonus: It massages the spinal muscles!

Aryan Rashad,Jet Set Pilates in Miami

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