
What is a Push-Up?

Simultaneously targeting the core, chest, tricep, bicep and back muscles, standard push-ups are one of the most effective full-body exercises you can perform. It’s a physically challenging move, but there are multiple modifications you can choose from to make it work for you.

How do you do a Push-Up?

  • Step 1

    Begin in a plank position with your hands stacked under your shoulders and your body in a straight line.

  • Step 2

    Slowly lower your body to the ground, keeping your neck, back and legs aligned. Keep your hips square to the floor as you lower yourself to the ground. Press back up to plank and repeat.

How do you modify a Push-Up?

  • Push-Up for Prenatal

    If you’re early in your pregnancy, you can practice this exercise on your knees.

  • Push-Up for Beginners

    If you’re having trouble completing a full push-up, try lowering down to your knees.

  • Push-Up for Weak Lower Back

    If you have a weak or injured lower back, practice your push-up on an incline. This will engage the core less and decrease the chance of dropping your hips.

  • Push-Up for Weak Wrists

    If you have weak wrists, ball your hands into fists to alleviate strain.

  • Push-Up for Weak Shoulders

    If you have weak shoulders, perform the exercise on your knees or at an incline. If shoulder pain persists, complete the exercise standing against a wall, simulating the push-up vertically.

What are the benefits of a Push-Up?

  • Tricep Strength

  • Chest Strength

  • Full-body Strength

Expert opinion

A regular push-up is gold standard for body-weight movements.

It never seems to get easier, but it continually makes you stronger through the chest, core, shoulders, core and back. Plus, it’s very versatile––you can easily modify to your preferences and abilities.

Paul Rahn,SWEAT in Chicago

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