SweatBox Yoga - Capitol Hill
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by SweatBox Yoga and were last updated on 10/31/24.
Mask-wearing policies
Masks are optional. Please mask if you have been exposed.
Ventilation system
We have a UV purification system installed in our HVAC in our heated studio, which sends ionized oxidizers into the air to kill 99% of virus/bacteria/molds, as well as a ventilation system to pull fresh air into the studio.Our Loft studio has an air purifier.
Extra sanitation
All high touch areas disinfected between classes. We provide disinfectant to students to sanitize the mats, blocks if used in class.
Limited capacity
18-25 maximum
Loft reveal
Featured in top classes for
Sun, Feb 2
90 min
Traditional Hot (Bikram) Yoga -90-Minute
Sache Davis60 min
Vinyasa - 60 minutes
Jess Klein90 min
Traditional Hot (Bikram) Yoga -90-Minute
Allison ManzanitaSweatBox Yoga Reviews
4.817,500+ ratings
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare
Wheelchair accessible