Sportstudio 79 - Ms. Oslofjordweg
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Sportstudio 79 and were last updated on 3/21/23.
Ventilation system
Our ventilation system comply the conditions of the RIVM. The system continuously pumps fresh air in and air is also exhausted from the inside to the outside.
Extra sanitation
We ask you to desinfect your hands when you enter the room. We ask everyone to clean their equipment after use. We provide you with cleaning equipment.
Limited capacity
To ensure 1.5 m distance we have limited capacity in our classes. Max. 20 in our classes.
Contactless check-in
Please be there in time, not too early but certainly not to late. Please wait outside until the trainer welcomes you in.
Featured in top classes for
Sun, Feb 2
60 min
S&C - Studio Noord
Brechtje ToetSportstudio 79 Reviews
4.912,500+ ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare