Pilates Reforming NY - 37th St.
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Pilates Reforming NY and were last updated on 11/6/24.
Social distancing measures
All Reformers are socially distanced 6-feet apart.
Ventilation system
We have installed an extra ion air purification system at all locations.
Extra sanitation
We have vinyl-covered hand straps and request that clients implement the Zogics Anti-bacterial wipes and wipe down their equipment after each session. If you wish you may also wipe it down prior to class as well.
Limited capacity
The maximum class size is 7-8 and socially distanced at 6 feet apart.PRNY maintains a 2-client minimum for a group class to proceed! This covers the cost of the teacher. You can opt to pay $19.50 to meet the 2-person minimum, or choose to leave if you are the only registrant at class start time.
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Sun, Feb 2
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