Jabz Boxing - North Phoenix

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Safety & cleanliness

Safety guidelines are provided by Jabz Boxing and were last updated on 5/17/21.

Mask-wearing policies

Masks are required and can only be taken off when in your personal training zone. Masks need to be worn to use the restroom or water station.Staff members will be monitored for any signs of illness and have their temperatures taken before each class .Staff members will wear masks

Extra sanitation

Staff members will disinfect all equipment following each class w/a fogger to cleanse and sanitize the entire studio. in between class cleaning + 2X daily deep cleaning of the studio. Weekly professional cleaning & professional Bio fogging. doors will be open to allow more air flow & all fans.

Limited capacity

Maximum class will be held at 25 % capacity of 10-12 clients All class times have been adjusted to allow a minimum of 15 minutes between classes.

Contactless check-in

Touch-less check in /waiver will be provided.

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Tue, Jul 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day

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