HUSTLE Tribe - Kickboxing & HIIT
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by HUSTLE Tribe - Kickboxing & HIIT and were last updated on 12/30/24.
Extra sanitation
Cleaning of all equipment, bags & floor between classes.
Limited capacity
Max class sizes are 14
Contactless check-in
Check In with trainer when you arrive. Strict no late entry policy.
Equipment policies
IMPORTANT: Please bring your own gloves & wraps. If you don't own any; Glove rental is $3Wraps purchase is from $10. You can not participate in class if you do not have gloves or wraps.
Featured in top classes for
Sun, Feb 2
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
HUSTLE Tribe - Kickboxing & HIIT Reviews
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How to prepare