ALLY Singapore
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by ALLY Singapore and were last updated on 9/18/24.
Ventilation system
Our studio fresh air HVAC systems are fitted with multiple Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UGVI) systems that use UV-C light to eliminate or inactivate bacteria, viruses, molds, and other pathogens.
Extra sanitation
An extensive supply of top-grade hygiene products is used in the studio. Hand sanitizers are available throughout the studio for your use. All high-touch points are wiped down and disinfected every 2 hours.
Equipment policies
All cycle shoes are disinfected in our UV ozone disinfectant machine before handing them to you for your use. Cycle shoes are rotated after each use and no same pair will be used in back-to-back classes.
Featured in top classes for
Sun, Feb 2
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ALLY Singapore Reviews
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How to prepare